In this video we are discussing a controversial topic: Evolution. This is a topic that alienate some Christians and some people in the scientific community. We start with the core claim of evolution, as Darwin stated in his book, that the cause of evolution is “random mutation, and natural selection”. Many people in the scientific community currently accept this “Dogma” as true without questioning. On the other hand some people in Christian communities read the Bible “ad pedem literae” and say that humans are animals are as they always have been, since the beginning of time, rejecting science as untrue. None of these extreme position helps us in the pursue of true. We saw that animals changes, and we know that there were animals before that didn’t exist right now. But that this means that Darwinian Evolution is true? Is Random Mutation a source to improve the chances of survival in the species environment? Please join us in this conversation about Math and Evolution!
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