How do we help Entrepreneurs around the world? What is MicroFinance? – Nerding Out ep 10
Today Todd Engelsen and I talk more about the mission of PEER Servants in the area of MicroFinance. We also look into what it means as part of the Kingdom of God that Jesus talks about, not just a spiritual reality, but an economic and social reality. How can we empower the poor around the
From an Actuary to Micro-finance, a conversation with Todd Engelsen – Nerding Out Ep 9
On this episode of Nerding Out, we talk to Todd Engelsen, president of PEER Servants, on how he went from being a successful actuary to the president of a micro-finance organization. You can check out PEER Servants at: https://peerservants.org PEER Servants YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/PEERServantsVideo/videos This episode brought to you by Nerdy Catholic Tees https://www.nerdycatholictees.com/ Facebook: